Sunday, February 7, 2016


According to Islam, Muhammed is the last prophet of God, following in the footsteps of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. This means that Islam considers Allah to be an Abrahamic God, which, is an endorsement of the Israeli/Jewish claim to a historical presence within the Levant.

Here are some references from the Koran that directly reference Abraham and Moses. This is important, because, those that promulgate the claim that 'Palestinian was here first' view, dispute Israel's claim to a historical presence within the Levant. And, whilst we are all entitled to opinions, it seems incongruous to be stating that 'Palestine was here first' if you are Muslim and the Koran contradicts you.

Moses, and the Red Sea is referenced in this screen shot from the Koran

Abraham, as described by the Koran
From the Koran
From the Koran
From the Koran
The smoking gun as taken from the Koran

The truth is that not only does Islam have no problem with Israel's claim of historical presence in the Levant, it agrees and endorses it with its own teachings.

Take this reference on wikipedia entitled "Abraham in Islam" that refers to Abraham's burial place in Israel at a place called Hebron on the West Bank.
This reference from the wikipedia entry on 'Ibrahimi Mosque' or the 'Cave of Patriarchs', illustrates how the Muslim creation was via the conversion of the original Jewish structre when it states that "(t)he site of the Cave of the Patriarchs is located beneath a Saladin-era mosque, which had been converted from a large rectangular Herodian-era Judean structure."1
Finally, the Koran speaks to the migration of Abraham to Canaan itself and receiving it as a gift from God. This gift is Israel. The descendants are Jews.
The only reasonable conclusion is that people that insist on denying a Jewish presence in Israel in ancient times, are those that are ignorant, or, are anti-Semitic.



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